Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Justice League #1

       Out of all of the books that I am excited for, this is the one I've been wanting to read. Geoff Johns and Jim Lee together for the biggest series that DC is going to publish. It is the most anticipated book as well, and It certainly lives up to the hype.
       It starts off explaining that the world didn't see the DC heroes as a good thing at first. People and organizations, like S.T.A.R. Labs, wanted them gone. They only brought problems. But they will soon learn to appreciate and need them. Batman is chasing some strange machine type creature across the rooftops of Gotham as he is being pursued by a police force, (I"m guessing the Gotham City Police Department) though it doesn't say.
       After Batman is about to interrogate the creature, The Green Lantern Appears to help. Though he is there because a possible threat from an extraterrestrial force was in Gotham. (hence the machine creature). They go to Metropolis to see if Superman, being an alien himself, has something to do with it.
       It starts off nice, the characters go well together. The banter between Lantern and Batman is smart and humorous. I found myself laughing aloud. If you ever want to get a great comic experience, this is the one to give it to you. It is nicely written, great story with great potential for future issues as well.

Photo From: Google Images

Superman #1

       Superman is yet again, another character that is very popular in our culture today. Ever since his early 90's debut, he has been a fan favorite. I was excited to get a hold of this and others from the new series, but for me it did not live up to every expectation.
       The old Daily Planet is gone, and it is run by a new owner. The old globe is demolished with it. It is a new beginning for Metropolis. The issue certainly has a wide cast of characters. It might even be a little overwhelming with all of the dialogue from each at the beginning.  Clark Kent as Superman is flying around the night sky, and a sudden fire erupts and he must fight some mysterious flaming alien. After some fighting, Superman realizes that the language that the creature spoke was Kryptonian.
       It all in all was a good issue, but I don't know how it's going to be later on. Honesty for me it was 'dry' at some parts. It had it's good moments, but I expected more. The art is very good. As you may be aware on the cover, Superman's new suit is very nice. It's a new version that I feel fits perfectly. We can just hope later issues are better.

Photo From: Google Images

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Batman #1 Review

       When it comes to superheroes, there may not be any as popular than Batman. DC's new enstallment of the series, (written by Scott Snyder) really has the classic feel that readers should hopefully enjoy.
       It starts off showing some of Bat's numerous villians at Arkham. and continues with the same type action pacing that the old series was known for.
       The first issue has a murder, introductions to characters, and the start of a new mystery for the worlds greatest detective. It is a very good issue, but I don't really like the plot that much yet. And the art isn't the best. It certainly has a wide array of different characters that are all well know, Nightwing, Robin, Red Robin, & Alfred are all here. It has potential, I just don't know how the future issues will hold.

Photo From: Google Images, Courtesy DC Comics.

Aquaman #1 Review

      I know what most people are thinking, "It's just Aquaman.." , "Who cares..". Well, you can forget about all of the bad things said about Aquaman because this series is very good. It was possibly one of the best comics from the New 52 series so far. Geoff Johns' writing was perfect for Aquaman.
       This book introduces Aquaman (Arthur Curry) as a hero with no "fan base". The people in town think of him more as a weird freak instead of a superhero. A mysterious kind of underwater life has sprung from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and go after the town. Aquaman has to find out what the creatures are, and why they are attacking.
       I would definitely recommend this. This is a must if you're a collector or an avid reader. The character design in this series so far is great, there is plenty of emotion, and in all a great book.

Photo From: Google Images

Flash #1 Review

      The Flash is a very recognizable and iconic character in comic history, and American media history. With DC's new revamp, this character is being revitalized as a very (obviously) fast paced action hero that everyone will enjoy.
       The first good thing I'll say about this, is that Barry Allen is the Flash in this series. His personality will surely shine in the issues to come, but a lot of the first issue doesn't exactly bring it out. You do get to understand some of his past in the first issue though.
       First impressions are really good, it starts off at a get together, Some unknown group of high tech soldiers crashes the party and it is up to The Flash to stop them. Their are numerous other characters introduce in the story as well, and DC's classic "cliff-hanger" ending. I would recommend this to anyone that is a Comic fan, or anyone that has never read a Comic before.

Photo From: Google Images

The New 52 Review

As of September, DC has made a relaunch of there popular comic book  heroes. I'm planning on putting up reviews, recommendations, and other tid-bits for anyone interested or just wanting something to read.  I've been working on a better look for my blog, and have already started making drafts of my reviews. There is a chance that I may start video reviews as well, but it just depends if anyone enjoys it. It's in the early stages, so the style of the blog may seem dull for now, but things are going to get better in a few days.

Photo From: Google Images