Thursday, February 9, 2012

Flash #1 Review

      The Flash is a very recognizable and iconic character in comic history, and American media history. With DC's new revamp, this character is being revitalized as a very (obviously) fast paced action hero that everyone will enjoy.
       The first good thing I'll say about this, is that Barry Allen is the Flash in this series. His personality will surely shine in the issues to come, but a lot of the first issue doesn't exactly bring it out. You do get to understand some of his past in the first issue though.
       First impressions are really good, it starts off at a get together, Some unknown group of high tech soldiers crashes the party and it is up to The Flash to stop them. Their are numerous other characters introduce in the story as well, and DC's classic "cliff-hanger" ending. I would recommend this to anyone that is a Comic fan, or anyone that has never read a Comic before.

Photo From: Google Images

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