Thursday, February 9, 2012

Batman #1 Review

       When it comes to superheroes, there may not be any as popular than Batman. DC's new enstallment of the series, (written by Scott Snyder) really has the classic feel that readers should hopefully enjoy.
       It starts off showing some of Bat's numerous villians at Arkham. and continues with the same type action pacing that the old series was known for.
       The first issue has a murder, introductions to characters, and the start of a new mystery for the worlds greatest detective. It is a very good issue, but I don't really like the plot that much yet. And the art isn't the best. It certainly has a wide array of different characters that are all well know, Nightwing, Robin, Red Robin, & Alfred are all here. It has potential, I just don't know how the future issues will hold.

Photo From: Google Images, Courtesy DC Comics.

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