Thursday, February 9, 2012

Aquaman #1 Review

      I know what most people are thinking, "It's just Aquaman.." , "Who cares..". Well, you can forget about all of the bad things said about Aquaman because this series is very good. It was possibly one of the best comics from the New 52 series so far. Geoff Johns' writing was perfect for Aquaman.
       This book introduces Aquaman (Arthur Curry) as a hero with no "fan base". The people in town think of him more as a weird freak instead of a superhero. A mysterious kind of underwater life has sprung from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and go after the town. Aquaman has to find out what the creatures are, and why they are attacking.
       I would definitely recommend this. This is a must if you're a collector or an avid reader. The character design in this series so far is great, there is plenty of emotion, and in all a great book.

Photo From: Google Images

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